Does Asphalt Melt in Heat?

tri-state paving asphalt driveway

Does asphalt melt under the hot sun or crack in cold weather? Find out here!

You might have had a bad experience with asphalt. You might have tried repairing asphalt cracks on your driveway under the hot sun one summer day, only to find the sticky black stuff sticking to your shoes. If not, perhaps you are wondering if asphalt can withstand the hot Maryland sun on your property, or you’re just curious about how resilient asphalt really is. Does asphalt melt in heat? Is it a worthy material for your driveway? Find out below.

Does Asphalt Melt in Heat?

Asphalt can begin to start melting under the hot sun, but in Maryland, it’s not as likely to happen. The temperature must be at least 120 degrees Farhenheit to start softening up. However, it has to be over 200 degrees higher to be malleable for paving. Otherwise, the curing process begins.

Maryland summers can be hot and humid, and asphalt’s black color and dense nature absorbs and retains heat, but you are unlikely to have a sticky, melting driveway in this state, as temperatures rarely exceed 100 degrees.

Does Asphalt Crack Under Cold Weather?

Asphalt only deteriorates in cold weather if water seeps into its cracks. As the water freezes, thaws, and repeats, it will expand the existing asphalt cracks. Rock salt in moderation is okay on asphalt, but could dry it out and increase more asphalt cracking. Concrete is even worse when in contact with rock salt.

Otherwise, asphalt’s flexible nature and dark color allow it to withstand very cold temperatures without any issue. Again, Maryland does not typically experience below-freezing temperatures let alone below 0 degrees, so cold weather should not be an issue.

Maintenance Is Key

What you will want to do is to maintain the pavement with sealcoating once every 2-3 years and crack filling when necessary. Taking care of your asphalt driveway will protect it from strong UV rays and icy weather alike.

When Is the Best Time for Asphalt Paving and Repairs?

The best time for any kind of asphalt work is between spring and fall, but as long as the temperature is above 50 degrees, you are set to go.

Receive Asphalt Paving Services with Tri-State Paving

Call Tri-State Paving. We’re a seasoned asphalt pavement company based in Maryland and have the experience and knowledge to help you turn your backyard into the perfect retreat quickly and affordably. Our experts will work with you to find a design and layout for the outdoor kitchen and dining area that you’re sure to love for years and years to come.

Our area numbers are:

West Chester: 610.563.9456

Oxford: 610.932.3566

Delaware: 302.757.4100

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