Asphalt or Concrete for your New Driveway?

asphalt, concrete, driveway

Which sort of driveway is right for your home ?

Both materials are very popular for driveways, but how do you know which one is right for you? Well, today we’re going to compare the two materials and you can assess which one will better suit your needs. Remember to keep in mind the amount of stress you think you will be imposing on the driveway, your budget, and your aesthetic. All of these things will play a part in your final decision. Here we go!

Asphalt Driveway

The average asphalt driveway is going to last your about twenty years, but there will probably be quite a bit of maintenance you will need to perform on it during that time. Repairing asphalt isn’t very difficult though, so don’t write it off just yet. It should also be mentioned that asphalt driveways cost less than your average concrete driveway. They handle spills decently well, but they are often cracked by harsh weather. Cold in particular can lead to potholes. Another great thing about asphalt is that it is ready to go very quickly after it is laid.

Concrete Driveway

Though more expensive, this material is great for longevity. It averages about ten more years than an asphalt driveway. Concrete also holds up pretty well over time and requires a lot less repair work. This is good because repairing concrete can be a hassle and the patches are much more obvious. Concrete doesn’t appreciate oil and gasoline spills and will become stained easier than asphalt. Another disadvantage to using concrete is that you cannot walk or drive on it for seven days after it is poured.

So, what do you think? Will you choose asphalt or concrete for your next driveway?

Ready to invest in your new driveway?

Tri-State Paving and Construction has provided exceptional asphalt and concrete services for over 40 years.  Powered by information and run by the consumer, we strive to put forth the best in concrete and paving for all of our customers while giving them as much insight as possible.

We perform road construction, paving services and decoration for curbs and walls.  We’re available to work in both commercial and residential settings, giving you the options you need to get the best job done right.  Contact us online or call the location nearest you:

West Chester: 610.563.9456

Oxford: 610.932.3566

Delaware: 302.757.4100

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