Designing Your Outdoor Fire Pit

Fire PitAn outdoor fire pit can provide the perfect winter addition to any Maryland home. In addition to being a beautiful focal point for any landscape, it extends your home’s useable space during colder nights, gives you plenty of warmth, and ups your property value and curb appeal considerably. Let’s assume you’re interested in building a fire pit, the most obvious question that springs to mind is: How do I know what I want? Tristate Paving is here with a short list of things to focus on when determining the specifics of your backyard fire pit.


Probably the biggest concern facing most Maryland homeowners who are considering installing a fire pit is how much it will cost you. It’s vital, before you’ve looked at any plans or models, to set a realistic budget for your fire pit. It’s possible to save money by building one yourself, but you’re still paying for raw materials and this seemingly inexpensive option  can start to become very costly if you make mistakes, have to start over, waste materials, or build an unsafe fire pit. In the long run, professional installation always pays off.

What Fuel Do You Prefer?

While there are several non-traditional types of fuel sources available to fire pit owners in Maryland, most prefer to stick with simple wood or gas operated system. One the one hand, wood offers that impossible-to-imitate real fire smell but it also needs to be regularly refueled and carefully observes to ensure maximum fire safety. Many Maryland homeowners choose gas or propane to fuel their outdoor fire pits. These can be quick-started by remote control, and won’t need constant refueling but may be more expensive if you have ready access to a steady supply of wood.

Location, Location, Location

Property laws in Maryland dictate that there must be a minimum distance between the home, any surrounding properties, and the fire pit itself. You should also check before beginning to see if your area requires a special permit for a fire pit or an on-site inspection by the local fire marshal. Stay abreast of any fire pit related regulations so you can be sure that you’re in full compliance with the law. Of course, if you hire a great hardscaping company, they will take care of permit acquisition and compliance for you.

Interested in Building an Outdoor Fire Pit?

Call Tristate Paving. We’re a seasoned hardscaping company based in Maryland and have the experience and knowledge to build a fire pit of the highest quality quickly and affordably. Our experts will work with you to find an outdoor fire pit that fits your goals and your budget to bring you a cozy, comforting fire pit you’re sure to love for years and years to come.

Our area numbers are:

West Chester: 610.563.9456

Oxford: 610.932.3566

Delaware: 302.757.4100

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