Hazards in Asphalt Paving


Is asphalt paving dangerous? Tri-State handles the hazards in stride!

Asphalt paving and maintenance professionals know how to stay safe on the job. You don’t have to worry about what hazards they endure, as they protect themselves, but it can be interesting to learn the challenges of the job, whether residential, commercial, or municipal. Learn about the main hazards in asphalt paving below, and see how Tri-State Paving takes them in stride!

Top Hazards in Asphalt Paving

Fire and Ignition

Did you know that asphalt paving could result in a fire or an electric shock? Asphalt paving usually uses a hot mix asphalt, which professionals must heat up to high temperatures in order to install correctly. The heat from the asphalt can cause heat exhaustion or heat stroke if workers are not careful.

Should something go wrong, the heat could also cause ignition of electricity or fire, threatening injuries like burns and electrocution.

Toxic Fumes

Toxic fumes are another threat to workers’ health. As the hot asphalt pours onto the pavement or foundation, fumes come up as it steams. These fumes are poisonous; the natural takeaway is that they harm your health. They can cause eye irritation, headaches, and nausea in short term exposure. In extreme cases, it can cause suffocation or death. In the long term, it can cause cancer.

Carelessness with Machinery

The machinery for asphalt paving and repair can be dangerous too, but they are only dangerous if used improperly. Carelessness or lack of training can lead to unnecessary accidents, which is why taking care of one’s health and having professional training and experience are so important.

Road Traffic

Road traffic is one of the biggest hazards of the industry. When asphalt work has to happen, it usually happens at night to avoid exposure to heavy traffic. Careless vehicles can cause road work accidents. Every year, there is a call to drive slow and stay alert on the road to maintain road safety. Road work is a risky business, and we must do all we can to make it as safe as possible.

PPE and Professional Training

Tri-State Paving is all about asphalt paving and repairs for residential, commercial, and municipal projects. Our experienced crew is ready to take on any project in stride, equipped with personal protection equipment (PPE) and professional training.

Receive Asphalt Paving Services with Tri-State Paving

Call Tri-State Paving. We’re a seasoned asphalt pavement company based in Maryland and have the experience and knowledge to help you turn your backyard into the perfect retreat quickly and affordably. Our experts will work with you to find a design and layout for the outdoor kitchen and dining area that you’re sure to love for years and years to come.

Our area numbers are:

West Chester: 610.563.9456

Oxford: 610.932.3566

Delaware: 302.757.4100

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