The Importance of Winter Maintenance For Your Patio

March 2nd, 2015

winter maintenanceWinter is the worst time of the year for spalling in your patio, walkways, and driveway. Spalling is the process of breaking down ore, rock, stone, concrete, and pavers. The flakes or pebbles broken off in the process are called spall. But, by doing some minor winter maintenance, you can prevent your hardscaping surfaces from spalling and slowly being broken down beneath your feat.

How Winter Increases Spalling

A great deal of the spalling that happens to your hardscaping happens in winter. This is largely due to the cycle of thawing and freezing caused by the erratic temperature variations we experience as part of our temperate climate. Ice or water aren’t problems on their own, the problem is when they switch between states quickly.

The process starts with precipitation. Rain or snow falls and lands on your hardscaping. If it’s in liquid form it penetrates the pores and cracks of your hardscaping. When the temperature drops below the freezing point, 32°F (0°C) , the water freezes and expands. The expansion puts pressure on your concrete, brick, or stone hardscaping and causes it to break. The pore or crack is now larger then it used to be and now when the ice thaws more water can flow into the space. When the temperatures dip below freezing again the expansion of the ice causes even more damage. Fortunately there are things you can do to prevent and mitigate the process.

How Winter Maintenance Can Stop Spalling

By doing simple and regular winter maintenance you can stop, or reduce the damage spalling does to your hardscaping. Making sure your hardscaping is sealed, clearing away snow, and using the right treatments can all help stop spalling in your hardscaping.
Sealing your hardscaping is the first preventative measure you can take to protect your hardscaping. Sealing your hardscaping prevents water from penetrating some of the pores and cracks of your hardscaping. Sealing lasts for approximately three years and should be applied by a professional. However, on its own sealing isn’t always enough to protect your hardscaping.

Clearing your hardscaping of snow and ice is important for preventing spalling. By clearing your hardscaping you prevent the cycle from starting in the first place. When you’re clearing your hardscaping you should use a plastic shovel or a metal shovel with a rubber covering the blades edge. A regular metal shovel blade can scratch or otherwise damage your hardscaping. It’s best to clear right after a snow, or intermittently during the snow if it’s a heavy snow.

Finally, treating ice and snow with chemicals can be done to prevent the cycle of freezing and thawing, however it must be done with caution. Certain chemicals, even just plain salt, can cause damage to your hardscaping. Make sure you consult with your hardscaping provider or installer to find out what chemicals are safe to use on your hardscaping.

Need Help or Have Questions?

Call Tristate Paving. We’re a seasoned hardscaping company based in Maryland and have the experience and knowledge to help you care for and maintain your hardscaping.

Our area numbers are:

West Chester: 610.563.9456

Oxford: 610.932.3566

Delaware: 302.757.4100

Check back here for weekly updates on current projects, important paving facts and info, and smart ideas for homeowners interested in concrete, asphalt or hardscaping work.

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Winter Care Tips for your Asphalt

February 23rd, 2015

Outdoor-Lighting-SafetyWe just had our first real taste of winter this year with this past week’s snowstorm. If you haven’t done anything to care for or protect your property’s asphalt yet, now is the time to take action before the next storm hits. The mixture of snow, sleet, salt, and freezing temperatures can definitely take a toll on your roads. Technically, preparing your asphalt for winter should begin in the summer. However, snow isn’t really the first thing you think about in blazing hot temperatures. So, we’ll begin with winter care tips you can use this season, and follow with tips to keep in mind to prepare for next season.

For this season:

  • Snow removal. Removing snow from your roadways or parking lots is very important. Hiring a professional to do the job is even more important. Professionals know how to properly remove the snow without doing damage to the road.
  • Be aware. You’ll want to make sure you keep an eye on the asphalt throughout the winter for cracking, potholes, and other harmful effects resulting from the snow and cold weather. Be sure to get small damages fixed right away to prevent them from turning into much larger problems.

For next season:

  • Have the asphalt sealed. This will help to keep water from soaking into the pavement and causing damage. Sealing in small cracks and areas in the summer and fall months will help you avoid the melting and freezing process that can occur under the asphalt in the winter months. The constant melting and freezing causes the asphalt to expand and contract over and over again, resulting in big potholes.

So before you do any more damage to your asphalt, be sure to keep these winter care tips in mind! Fixing small problems now will save you in the long run.

If you’re looking to repair your asphalt this season, or sealcoat your asphalt next season, call Tristate Paving! We specialize in sealcoating and infrared asphalt repair, which you can read about here. We serve both commercial and residential properties.

If you want to keep your asphalt looking and performing great, then contact us for professional asphalt services. Our experienced paving professionals have plenty of experience and can take care of your asphalt needs quickly, and at an affordable price. At Tristate Paving we take great pride in our customer service, so give us a call today!

Our area numbers are:

West Chester: 610.563.9456

Oxford: 610.932.3566

Delaware: 302.757.4100

Check back here for weekly updates on current projects, important paving facts and info, and smart ideas for homeowners interested in concrete, asphalt or hardscaping work.

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Repaving and Romance

February 9th, 2015

RomanceIt may seem unusual, but it’s true: Repaving your driveway can definitely show your mate how much you care. Let’s say you want to give your significant other a gift this Valentine’s Day. You want to get them something extravagant, something flashy. You could get them some jewelry, but that seems too obvious. If you’re looking for something that’s both impressive and practical you can invest in repaving their driveway.

Why is this romantic?

If you and your partner have been together for a long time then it’s possible that you’ve had some bumps and bruises in your relationship. Maybe they’ve lost someone close to them, maybe you have. In a way, that cracked pavement outside of your house is probably symbolic of some cracks in your life. Why not repave it? Why not use this opportunity to repave your life as well. You can share your vision for a newly paved driveway with your mate and show them that you wish to repave your lives together.

What are my options?

Maybe you don’t need to repave your driveway, but there are many more options for you and your partner. Hardscaping projects often combine practical needs with aesthetic vision. You and your loved one can plan one together, share your ideas, and fall in love all over again. You can add that pond you always dreamed of and they can choose the type of stone. Designing something together will show you different sides of one another. Maybe your partner has a gift you never knew about, or maybe you have a real eye for shape you can share. Building something new together will rekindle the flame between you and every time you look at that project you will be reminded of how strong your bond is.

Bonds as strong as stone.

It may seem cheesy to make grand gestures for the one you love, or to repave your driveway together, but creativity goes a long way. Using creative, unusual methods of bonding shows that you are thinking more deeply about your relationship than just choosing the obvious methods of bonding.


If you’re ready to build a stronger future with your mate contact the Tri-State Paving Company. You can reach them by phone, 610.563.9456 (West Chester), 610.932.3566 (Oxford), or 302.757.4100 (Delaware). You can also find them on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+.

Turn your Backyard into the Perfect Escape with some Hardscaping Features

February 2nd, 2015

hard_walks_patios_4_lrgTake your backyard back from the weeds and your dog, and extend the living space of your home out into your backyard. Starting with a patio base, built around a centerpiece table, bar, fire pit, or outdoor fireplace, and dressed with other hardscaping features such as walkways, walls, columns, steps and terraces, you can build an exotic retreat from your normal home reminiscent of the Hamptons, a Spanish villa, a southwestern pueblo, or anything else you can imagine.

The Patio Base

The patio will serve as the base of your backyard retreat, so don’t neglect it in favor of the other “more exciting” hardscaping features. As the base it will be the unifying feature between all of your other hardscaping features, and will be where you, your family, and guests gather for out door gatherings and parties.  Choose your theme and plan the layout of your patio carefully. Use interesting shapes in the design like irregular ovals, or raised terraces, but remember to keep it practical to host for guests (unless you want to keep this retreat to yourself). Pick out materials to match your chosen theme, you can keep it regular throughout the hardscaping, or vary it with complimentary or contrasting colors, textures, and shapes. Building short walls around the patio helps keep the backyard from spilling onto the space, and can serve as impromptu seating for guests. Finally, consider a walkway from the backdoor to your patio and from your patio to your fence gate can save your grass from wear and tear.

The Centerpiece

Having a centerpiece for your patio, gives it a focal center, or gathering point for you and your guests to gather around at parties.  There are many options that can serve as the centerpiece of your patio, each providing a different flavor to your outdoor living space. A dinning table for you and your guests to sit and eat at would be best used during the spring, summer, and fall. A bar can be a great place for summer fun, especially for your Fourth of July barbecue. And a fire pit or out door fireplace work well as a gathering place for you and your guests to sit around, drink warm drinks, and reminisce beside year round.  Of course, if you wanted to and you had a big enough patio, you could have all of the features described above.

Other Hardscaping Features

There are many other hardscaping features that could be employed to help beautify your backyard, and make it a fun place to entertain. If you have an uneven backyard having the patio on different leveled terraces, with steps, and retaining walls can make it a more interesting area to inhabit. If your backyard gets lots of sunlight you might consider a cover with hardscaped columns supporting it to match your other décor. You could hardscape elevated planters held in with retaining walls. You could even use hardscaping with a water feature to make a fountain or waterfall to add a relaxing note of gurgling water to your backyard escape.

Hardscaping from Tri-State Paving

Call Tristate Paving. We’re a seasoned hardscaping company based in Maryland and have the experience and knowledge help you turn your backyard into the perfect retreat quickly and affordably. Our experts will work with you to find a design and layout for your patio that you’re sure to love for years and years to come.

Our area numbers are:

West Chester: 610.563.9456

Oxford: 610.932.3566

Delaware: 302.757.4100

Check back here for weekly updates on current projects, important paving facts and info, and smart ideas for homeowners interested in concrete, asphalt or hardscaping work.

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Reasons to Consider a Concrete Driveway

January 20th, 2015

concrete drivewayInstalled properly, and well maintained, a concrete driveway represents an investment in your homes equity and an increase to its value over the cost of installation. Though the initial cost is greater then that of an asphalt driveway a concrete driveway pays for itself over time by improving your homes curb appeal, increasing the longevity of your driveway, while reducing the maintenance costs and the negative environmental impact. Here we have the reasons why it makes sense to invest in a concrete driveway for the long term advantage of your home.

Curb Appeal

Curb appeal can account for up to 10 percent of your homes value.  As the bridge between your private property and the public street your driveway makes a significant impact on the overall curb appeal. The ability to customize a concrete driveway to match your home and landscaping gives it a distinct advantage over a traditional asphalt driveway. Decorative concrete made using stamps and stains can give you a durable surface with the texture and color of flagstone, cobbles, or brick for the faction of the price.  Furthermore, the same style decorative concrete can be used for your walkway, steps, and porch providing a unifying effect; or you can use a different texture and color for each surface to provide contrast and definition.

Maintenance and Longevity

Maintaining concrete is simple and inexpensive, and by taking just a few measures you can ensure a good looking and durable surface for up to thirty years. Concrete may be sealed to reduce the prevalence of stains from oil or gasoline spills, but sealing is not necessary. If oil or gas is spilled immediate treatment with a degreaser should keep the concrete nice and clean.  Concrete should not be treated with deicing chemicals, or salt. By following these guidelines you can keep your concrete driveway looking clean and in good repair for up to thirty years.

Environmentally Friendly

An added bonus of having a concrete driveway is that they’re more environmentally friendly then a regular asphalt driveway.  Concrete is made from sand, stone, and is held together by cement.  Asphalt is made of sand and stone, but is held together by tar instead of cement. Not only is tar nonrenewable petroleum based product, but when oil or gas are spilled on it some is picked up and added to the chemical run off.  Additionally, the dark color of asphalt absorbs more light, causing it to heat up.  The lighter color of concrete reflects the light instead, reducing warming. Finally, because the concrete requires less maintenance it means that there’s less harmful chemical run when compared to asphalt.

Want a Concrete Instillation Quote?

Call Tri-state Paving. Our experienced paving professionals have plenty of experience with concrete driveway installation quickly, and at an affordable price. At Tristate Paving we take great pride in our customer service and we’ll be more than happy to sit down and figure out what concrete driveway instillation options works best for you.

Our area numbers are:

West Chester: 610.563.9456

Oxford: 610.932.3566

Delaware: 302.757.4100

Check back here for weekly updates on current projects, important paving facts and info, and smart ideas for homeowners interested in concrete, asphalt or hardscaping work.

Do I Need to Replace, Repair, or Resurface My Driveway?

January 16th, 2015

There’s nothing quite like driving down a long stretch of exquisite asphalt. However, while driveways are an important portion of any home, they’re also somewhat costly. That’s why many homeowners, upon noticing driveway damage, will attempt to patch it up rather than opt for resurfacing or replacing. While this can cost less in the short run, if the damage is extensive enough, it will only lead to more problems, costing you quite a lot later. Tristate paving is here with a guide to knowing when you can patch your driveway, and when you need to resurface or replace.

asphalt sealing

When to Repair

Between water damage caused by freezing and thawing over the seasons, and the sheer work of supporting heavy cars that roll over them daily, driveways take a lot of abuse. If you spot cracks that have a width of less than ¼ in, you probably only have surface level damage and this can easily be fixed with a liquid crack-filler. However, wider cracks will require taking measures that are more substantial. While you can temporarily cover up these cracks with patching material, this is only a stop-gap fix that will soon wear out.

When to Replace

If your driveway is more than 20 years old, it’s most likely best to have it replaced. After this much time under elemental exposure, even the best driveways can break down. Patching these antiques is won’t be worth the trouble or cost. Your driveway may not even have a structural problem to necessitate replacement. Oftentimes, new homeowners or those looking to sell the house will replace for the visual appeal. Patching isn’t invisible and can sometimes look unsightly.

When to Resurface

If you know repairing won’t be enough, but replacement is too expensive, there is an “in-between” option that’s typically only offered by top quality asphalt repair companies like Tristate Paving. It’s called resurfacing. Resurfacing essentially strips off your driveway’s top layer and replaces it, resulting in a driveway that appears brand-spanking-new, but costs much less than a total replacement. While this won’t fix issues with the foundation, you won’t be seeing any cracks or potholes for awhile either.

Need Driveway Repair, Replacement, or Resurfacing?

Call Tristate Paving. Our experienced paving professionals have plenty of experience with driveway repair, resurfacing, and replacement, and can take care of your asphalt installation or repair needs quickly, and at an affordable price. At Tristate Paving we take great pride in our customer service and we’ll be more than happy to sit down and figure out what asphalt repair option works best for you.

Our area numbers are:

West Chester: 610.563.9456

Oxford: 610.932.3566

Delaware: 302.757.4100

Check back here for weekly updates on current projects, important paving facts and info, and smart ideas for homeowners interested in concrete, asphalt or hardscaping work.

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What is Infrared Asphalt Repair?

January 6th, 2015

Asphalt pavement has become so universal primarily because it is extremely durable, highly cost effective, straightforward to install, and consistently strong. Used for parking lots and roadways the world over, asphalt can last for a long time, provided its given careful maintenance. When it comes to repairing serious asphalt damage one of the most effective methods is infrared repairs.

asphalt repair

What is Infrared Asphalt Repair?

Infrared asphalt repair uses a combination of asphalt technologies to make fast repairs to severely damaged pavement. Infrared asphalt repair uses hot asphalt and extreme pressure to perfectly mix the new asphalt with the old. If you start spotting potholes or pavement cracking, infrared asphalt repair may be the solution.

How does it work?

First, the area in need of repair will have all its debris, loose aggregate, and water removed. Then infrared machinery will heat it to 325 degrees Fahrenheit for somewhere between 5 and 10 minutes (depending on how deep the area is and the level of asphalt integrity). After heating, the machinery will rake the area to eliminate failing aggregate before injecting specially formulated oils to bolster the strength of the existing asphalt. New hot asphalt will be poured in before a several-ton roller-compactor presses it flat.

Infrared Benefits

Infrared asphalt repair is popular largely due to its effectiveness at deep, subsurface repairs that maximize the reuse of old asphalt and minimize waste without causing asphalt/ aggregate separation or burning. Infrared asphalt repair is also incredibly affordable, using less raw material than traditional repair methods. The speed and thoroughness of the process minimizes both traffic interruptions and water penetration.

Interested in Infrared Asphalt repair?

Call Tristate Paving. Our experienced paving professionals have plenty of experience with, and access to, infrared asphalt repair equipment, and can take care of your asphalt installation or repair needs quickly, and at an affordable price. At Tristate Paving we take great pride in our customer service and we’ll be more than happy to sit down and figure out what asphalt repair option works best for you.

Our area numbers are:

West Chester: 610.563.9456

Oxford: 610.932.3566

Delaware: 302.757.4100

Check back here for weekly updates on current projects, important paving facts and info, and smart ideas for homeowners interested in concrete, asphalt or hardscaping work.

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Asphalt vs. Concrete Driveways

December 23rd, 2014

If you’re constructing a new home, or are just in the market for a brand new driveway, you’re doubtlessly faced with a lot of tough decisions. The most important decision you can make is selecting between the two most popular driveway paving materials: Concrete and asphalt. Tristate Paving is here with the differences between these two materials so that you can make the best choice possible. It’s important to know that asphalt and concrete do have many similarities. They both need well compacted gravel bases, need time to set before use, and are made from stone and sand. The main difference in their composition is the adhesive used to bind them together. Asphalt is adhered with tar, while concrete uses cement. This small difference in the material composition of the two substances ripples outward, resulting in drastic differences between the two.

asphalt drivewayconcrete driveway


Different people will have a preference as to whether they’d like concrete or asphalt better. Asphalt driveways appear as natural extensions of the road while concrete ones have a distinctly different appearance. However, both can have their looks modified.  You can stain, etch, and engrave concrete as well as apply a variety of finishes to customize your driveway to match your home. Asphalt is somewhat more limited and cannot be stained. Although, tint may be added to the mixture to alter the color slightly.


Climate can play an important part in selecting what to pave your driveway with. Concrete is more likely to crack or fracture due to extreme cold. It can also be damaged by defrosting salts. Conversely, asphalt performs less well in hotter climates because intense and prolonged exposure to heat can cause the tar to melt and potentially lose its form. Consider your climate carefully when paving your driveway.


Both materials have drastically different maintenance requirements. Asphalt requires the application of a protective sealant about every three years, which can increase its lifespan to roughly 30 years. Concrete driveways do not need sealant but can benefit from it greatly, preserving their appearance for longer. Concrete driveways do stain easier than asphalt and must have degreaser applied to them to take care of oil spills. Asphalt is typically easier to repair and can be affordably resurfaced rather than replaced, an option that is not available to concrete driveway owners.


Asphalt is typically a good deal less expensive than concrete to install. On average asphalt will run between $2.50 to $4.00 per square foot. Concrete, on the other hand, usually runs between $4.00 to $6.00 per square foot for a basic installation and can cost more if you’re looking at applying special finishes.

Need Help Making the Decision?

Call Tristate Paving. Our experienced paving professional have a  long history installing both concrete and asphalt driveways and we’ll be more than happy to sit down and figure out which option works best for you.

Our area numbers are:

West Chester: 610.563.9456

Oxford: 610.932.3566

Delaware: 302.757.4100

Check back here for weekly updates on current projects, important paving facts and info, and smart ideas for homeowners interested in concrete, asphalt or hardscaping work.

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The Importance of Asphalt Sealing in Maryland

December 13th, 2014

When taking care of your Asphalt driveway or pavement, it’s important to think about asphalt cracking prevention. Cracking occurs when asphalt is exposed to sunlight over a long period of time. UV radiation from the sun can cause asphalt aggregate to break apart, forming dangerous and unsightly cracks. Cold weather can make this process occur much faster and much more often. Tristate Paving, your Maryland paving professionals, is here with the importance of asphalt sealing, which can be used to prevent pavement cracking.

asphalt sealing

So How Does Asphalt Sealing Work?

An application of asphalt sealing product has the power to improve its appearance and extend its lifespan exponentially. Essentially, they provide a powerful protective layer against UV radiation, moisture damage, and extreme temperature changes. Asphalt sealing can be done with a wide variety of materials, so it’s important to know the difference between them before choosing.

What Asphalt Sealing Material Should I Use?

Traditional: Traditional asphalt sealing products are made with a mixed emulsifier, which typically resembles a soapy substance, and water. While they are undoubtedly the cheapest available solution for asphalt sealing, they have a very short lifespan and don’t offer much protection against ultraviolet rays.

Coal Tar: Coal tar asphalt sealant consists of an emulsifier mixed with tiny clay particles, which makes it very easy to apply. Coal tar asphalt sealing products are incredibly effective at preserving asphalt against repeat exposure to oil and gasoline, making them ideal for asphalt that will see a lot of traffic. Many coal tar asphalts are made with special polymers that offer UV protection.

Acrylic Polymer: Acrylic polymer sealants are entirely synthetic, made with chemical components deigned to offer the maximum amount of protection against UV radiation and the elements. These asphalt sealing products tend to offer more protection than any other kind of sealant although they do cost more.

How Often Should Sealant Be Applied?

If your asphalt has been recently laid you should think about having asphalt sealing done roughly one year after the initial asphalt paving. Because asphalt is made with oils it remains relatively flexible until these oils evaporate, which typically takes about a year. If your asphalt has already been sealed and is over a year old, you should make sure to have asphalt sealing done about once every three years. A good way to tell if it needs sealing is if it starts to look gray, rather than black. This is a sign of over-oxidation, which eventually causes asphalt cracking.

Interested in Professional Asphalt Sealing Services?

Then call Tristate Paving! We’re an experienced asphalt sealing and paving company with the knowledge and skills necessary to take care of your asphalt sealing project quickly and affordably. If you want to keep your asphalt looking and performing great, then consider calling us for professional asphalt sealing services.

Our area numbers are:

West Chester: 610.563.9456

Oxford: 610.932.3566

Delaware: 302.757.4100

Check back here for weekly updates on current projects, important paving facts and info, and smart ideas for homeowners interested in concrete, asphalt or hardscaping work.

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Designing Your Outdoor Fire Pit

December 4th, 2014

Fire PitAn outdoor fire pit can provide the perfect winter addition to any Maryland home. In addition to being a beautiful focal point for any landscape, it extends your home’s useable space during colder nights, gives you plenty of warmth, and ups your property value and curb appeal considerably. Let’s assume you’re interested in building a fire pit, the most obvious question that springs to mind is: How do I know what I want? Tristate Paving is here with a short list of things to focus on when determining the specifics of your backyard fire pit.


Probably the biggest concern facing most Maryland homeowners who are considering installing a fire pit is how much it will cost you. It’s vital, before you’ve looked at any plans or models, to set a realistic budget for your fire pit. It’s possible to save money by building one yourself, but you’re still paying for raw materials and this seemingly inexpensive option  can start to become very costly if you make mistakes, have to start over, waste materials, or build an unsafe fire pit. In the long run, professional installation always pays off.

What Fuel Do You Prefer?

While there are several non-traditional types of fuel sources available to fire pit owners in Maryland, most prefer to stick with simple wood or gas operated system. One the one hand, wood offers that impossible-to-imitate real fire smell but it also needs to be regularly refueled and carefully observes to ensure maximum fire safety. Many Maryland homeowners choose gas or propane to fuel their outdoor fire pits. These can be quick-started by remote control, and won’t need constant refueling but may be more expensive if you have ready access to a steady supply of wood.

Location, Location, Location

Property laws in Maryland dictate that there must be a minimum distance between the home, any surrounding properties, and the fire pit itself. You should also check before beginning to see if your area requires a special permit for a fire pit or an on-site inspection by the local fire marshal. Stay abreast of any fire pit related regulations so you can be sure that you’re in full compliance with the law. Of course, if you hire a great hardscaping company, they will take care of permit acquisition and compliance for you.

Interested in Building an Outdoor Fire Pit?

Call Tristate Paving. We’re a seasoned hardscaping company based in Maryland and have the experience and knowledge to build a fire pit of the highest quality quickly and affordably. Our experts will work with you to find an outdoor fire pit that fits your goals and your budget to bring you a cozy, comforting fire pit you’re sure to love for years and years to come.

Our area numbers are:

West Chester: 610.563.9456

Oxford: 610.932.3566

Delaware: 302.757.4100

Check back here for weekly updates on current projects, important paving facts and info, and smart ideas for homeowners interested in concrete, asphalt or hardscaping work.

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