Preparing Your Commercial Asphalt for Rainy Days

tri-state paving prepare your commercial asphalt for rainy days

This article shares ways to prepare your commercial asphalt for rainy days.

As a commercial property owner or manager, asphalt repair services are an investment in your business and the health and safety of your employees and clients. The one thing you don’t have control over is the weather! That’s where a reputable paving contractor comes in. Tri-State Paving’s attention to detail and excellent asphalt quality considers the weather. This will enable preparation work to be done before the rain begins, so the contractor will be ready to start as soon as possible after rainfall. This article shares ways to prepare your commercial asphalt for rainy days.

How to Prepare Your Asphalt for Rainy Weather

Pavement maintenance is critical to ensure your commercial lot continues to be a secure and smooth surface in the years to come. Here’s how you can prepare your commercial asphalt for rainy days.

Inspect for Cracks and Potholes and Repair Them

After installation, inspect your commercial lot for significant crevices, cracks, and potholes. Handling these problems with asphalt repairs before the next rainfall can help prevent more damage. It would be a shame to repave the entire property because of negligence on your part.

Protect Your Asphalt Paving with a Sealant/Add Sealcoating

Most of us take precautions to add a layer of insurance to our professional and personal lives, and the same should be said for asphalt paving. Also, sealcoating is a form of asphalt pavement maintenance against damage from rainy weather, sun damage, temperature fluctuations, and traffic. In addition, this substance protects against cracking and deterioration of the asphalt.

Install a Drainage Channel

Ensuring there is proper drainage is another way to prepare your commercial asphalt for rainy days. Plus, directing the water away from the asphalt will prevent waterlogging from damaging the asphalt’s structure. Additionally, the lot’s sloping must be away from any property structures.

Plan a Paving Installation for Clear Weather

For any additions, upgrades, or repairs to your paved commercial lot, discuss your concerns with us to avoid rainfall. A forecast of rain over multiple days might require you to reschedule the asphalt paving to a later date. As a result, having a paving schedule following the weather will save you money and time in the long run.

So, are you ready to call on the help of a professional asphalt paving company for your project?

Call Tri-State Paving. We’re a seasoned hardscaping company based in Maryland and have the experience and knowledge to help you turn your backyard into the perfect retreat quickly and affordably. Our experts will work with you to find a design and layout for the outdoor kitchen and dining area that you’re sure to love for years and years to come.

Our area numbers are:

West Chester: 610.563.9456

Oxford: 610.932.3566

Delaware: 302.757.4100

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