Posts Tagged ‘asphalt paving’

When Do You Sealcoat Your Greenville Parking Lot?

Friday, August 26th, 2022
tri-state paving sealcoat parking lot

This blog will explore when and why you should sealcoat your Greenville, DE, parking lot.

Any job worth asphalting is worth sealcoating. The process of sealcoating includes applying one or more thin layers of a tar-like substance on the pavement. Although sealcoating can repair minor surface cracks, it cannot do the same for significant repairs. This may leave you wondering why sealcoat at all. This blog will explore when and why you should sealcoat your Greenville, DE, parking lot.

Why is Moisture an Enemy to Asphalt Paving?

Friday, August 5th, 2022
tri-state paving asphalt paving

So, why is moisture an enemy to asphalt paving?

Water is an important resource, but water can be the enemy when it comes to your driveway. Water can destroy your driveway instead of being a helpful resource. Understanding this relationship between water and driveway resurfacing is vital to prevent damage and extend your driveway’s longevity. So, why is moisture an enemy to asphalt paving? (more…)

Maintain a Good-Looking Asphalt Driveway with a Maintenance Plan

Friday, July 1st, 2022
tri-state paving asphalt driveway

So, how do you maintain a good-looking asphalt driveway with a maintenance plan?

At Tri-State Paving, we understand that a driveway is a significant investment, and maintaining it in good share is essential. That’s why our asphalt paving professionals suggest creating a maintenance plan. You can extend your asphalt’s lifespan with regular maintenance. So, how do you maintain a good-looking asphalt driveway with a maintenance plan? (more…)

4 Top Advantages of Asphalt Paving Your Delaware Park Trail

Thursday, May 12th, 2022
tri-state paving asphalt paving

Asphalt paving can be cost-effective in the long run.

Have you ever considered hiring asphalt paving services for your park’s trail? If you’re a city planner who has decided to feature an expansion of recreational activities for the park, consider how asphalt paving can benefit that park’s path. (more…)

The Advantages of Installing an Oxford, Pennsylvania Tar and Chip Driveway

Thursday, May 5th, 2022
tri-state paving tar & chip

A tar and chip surface blends a flat paving material with a stone mix.

If the appearance of your driveway isn’t what you desire, then you should look into tar and chip as an option. A tar and chip surface blends a flat paving material with a stone mix. Before you decide, read about how this paving solution works and the advantages of installing it.  (more…)

4 Advantages of Sealcoating Asphalt in Pennsylvania

Thursday, April 28th, 2022
tri-state paving sealcoating asphalt

Sealcoating asphalt maintains your driveway’s integrity and boosts its appearance.

The repairs on an extensively destroyed asphalt driveway can be expensive. Luckily, seal coating asphalt is a simple and inexpensive maintenance solution that increases the life span of your driveway. Sealcoating asphalt also maintains your driveway’s integrity and boosts its appearance. Learn the five advantages of seal coating asphalt for driveways.

How to Safeguard Your Asphalt Parking Lot

Thursday, April 21st, 2022
tri-state paving asphalt

You need to inspect your asphalt parking lot and search for chips and cracks after a heatwave, a significant storm, or heavy traffic.

Most people enjoy driving and parking on a clean, smooth asphalt parking lot. Yet, your asphalt can experience issues that make it hard to over during the summer. You need to inspect the parking lot and search for chips and cracks after a heatwave, a significant storm, or heavy traffic. Let’s look into how you can protect your asphalt parking lot. (more…)

Advantages of Asphalt Paving Your Maryland Driveway

Thursday, April 14th, 2022
tri state paving asphalt

Are you planning to install asphalt on your residential driveway?

Are you arranging to install a driveway on your residential home? When paving your driveway, two of the most common choices are asphalt and concrete. While each type of driveway has its strengths and weaknesses, asphalt offers some advantages over concrete. Read on for the reasons to go with asphalt paving your driveway.


Asphalt Parking Lot Installation: What to Know

Monday, January 4th, 2016
asphalt repair

The condition of your asphalt says a lot about your property or business. Keep it in great shape!

A functional parking lot is a key part of any home or business. The outside of your property is the first thing that potential customers and passersby will see, and first impressions are everything. What does your parking lot say about your property? Is it clean and free of debris, potholes, and cracks? On a purely functional level, if it isn’t, this will not do. These can cause safety concerns for pedestrians and drivers and damages vehicles. When considering asphalt and paving, these are the key things that you need to know.


What is Infrared Asphalt Repair?

Tuesday, January 6th, 2015

Asphalt pavement has become so universal primarily because it is extremely durable, highly cost effective, straightforward to install, and consistently strong. Used for parking lots and roadways the world over, asphalt can last for a long time, provided its given careful maintenance. When it comes to repairing serious asphalt damage one of the most effective methods is infrared repairs.

asphalt repair

What is Infrared Asphalt Repair?

Infrared asphalt repair uses a combination of asphalt technologies to make fast repairs to severely damaged pavement. Infrared asphalt repair uses hot asphalt and extreme pressure to perfectly mix the new asphalt with the old. If you start spotting potholes or pavement cracking, infrared asphalt repair may be the solution.

How does it work?

First, the area in need of repair will have all its debris, loose aggregate, and water removed. Then infrared machinery will heat it to 325 degrees Fahrenheit for somewhere between 5 and 10 minutes (depending on how deep the area is and the level of asphalt integrity). After heating, the machinery will rake the area to eliminate failing aggregate before injecting specially formulated oils to bolster the strength of the existing asphalt. New hot asphalt will be poured in before a several-ton roller-compactor presses it flat.

Infrared Benefits

Infrared asphalt repair is popular largely due to its effectiveness at deep, subsurface repairs that maximize the reuse of old asphalt and minimize waste without causing asphalt/ aggregate separation or burning. Infrared asphalt repair is also incredibly affordable, using less raw material than traditional repair methods. The speed and thoroughness of the process minimizes both traffic interruptions and water penetration.

Interested in Infrared Asphalt repair?

Call Tristate Paving. Our experienced paving professionals have plenty of experience with, and access to, infrared asphalt repair equipment, and can take care of your asphalt installation or repair needs quickly, and at an affordable price. At Tristate Paving we take great pride in our customer service and we’ll be more than happy to sit down and figure out what asphalt repair option works best for you.

Our area numbers are:

West Chester: 610.563.9456

Oxford: 610.932.3566

Delaware: 302.757.4100

Check back here for weekly updates on current projects, important paving facts and info, and smart ideas for homeowners interested in concrete, asphalt or hardscaping work.

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