Posts Tagged ‘asphalt’

Winter Care Tips for your Asphalt

Monday, February 23rd, 2015

Outdoor-Lighting-SafetyWe just had our first real taste of winter this year with this past week’s snowstorm. If you haven’t done anything to care for or protect your property’s asphalt yet, now is the time to take action before the next storm hits. The mixture of snow, sleet, salt, and freezing temperatures can definitely take a toll on your roads. Technically, preparing your asphalt for winter should begin in the summer. However, snow isn’t really the first thing you think about in blazing hot temperatures. So, we’ll begin with winter care tips you can use this season, and follow with tips to keep in mind to prepare for next season.

For this season:

  • Snow removal. Removing snow from your roadways or parking lots is very important. Hiring a professional to do the job is even more important. Professionals know how to properly remove the snow without doing damage to the road.
  • Be aware. You’ll want to make sure you keep an eye on the asphalt throughout the winter for cracking, potholes, and other harmful effects resulting from the snow and cold weather. Be sure to get small damages fixed right away to prevent them from turning into much larger problems.

For next season:

  • Have the asphalt sealed. This will help to keep water from soaking into the pavement and causing damage. Sealing in small cracks and areas in the summer and fall months will help you avoid the melting and freezing process that can occur under the asphalt in the winter months. The constant melting and freezing causes the asphalt to expand and contract over and over again, resulting in big potholes.

So before you do any more damage to your asphalt, be sure to keep these winter care tips in mind! Fixing small problems now will save you in the long run.

If you’re looking to repair your asphalt this season, or sealcoat your asphalt next season, call Tristate Paving! We specialize in sealcoating and infrared asphalt repair, which you can read about here. We serve both commercial and residential properties.

If you want to keep your asphalt looking and performing great, then contact us for professional asphalt services. Our experienced paving professionals have plenty of experience and can take care of your asphalt needs quickly, and at an affordable price. At Tristate Paving we take great pride in our customer service, so give us a call today!

Our area numbers are:

West Chester: 610.563.9456

Oxford: 610.932.3566

Delaware: 302.757.4100

Check back here for weekly updates on current projects, important paving facts and info, and smart ideas for homeowners interested in concrete, asphalt or hardscaping work.

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