Posts Tagged ‘fall maintenance’

How To Maintain Your Asphalt During Fall

Friday, September 23rd, 2022
tri-state paving maintain your asphalt during fall

Maintain your asphalt during Fall by cleaning the area of any debris.

Asphalt paving provides a durable and smooth surface for Pennsylvania residents. But only when it’s properly maintained. Maintenance is essential to keep asphalt pavements working well and ensure minimal inconvenience to the public. So, prepare for those cooler months and check out the various ways to maintain your asphalt during Fall. (more…)

Residential Asphalt Paving in the Fall Season

Monday, August 15th, 2022
tri state paving Residential Asphalt Paving in the Fall Season

An additional benefit of residential asphalt paving in the fall season is that it prepares your paved surfaces for the upcoming cold winter weather.

While some paving professionals say spring and summertime are the ideal seasons for applying and maintaining asphalt, residential asphalt paving in the fall season is also ideal. It’s necessary for the external air temperature to be more than 50 degrees to lay down an asphalt surface. Also, make sure there’s no heavy rain in the forecast before or after the asphalt application. By completing residential asphalt paving in the fall season, you can prevent numerous costly repairs in the springtime and potentially a total replacement. (more…)

Getting your Driveway ready for Fall

Monday, August 17th, 2015


winter maintenance

Get your driveway ready for this.

Fall is the perfect time to catch up on any driveway maintenance that you haven’t gotten finished yet. The mild weather is the perfect backdrop for repairing potholes, cracks, or other problems before the ice and snow hit. So, today we’re going to be talking about the kinds of things you should take a look at while fall is in bloom. Are you ready to learn more? Well, let’s do it! (more…)