Posts Tagged ‘Romance’

Repaving and Romance

Monday, February 9th, 2015

RomanceIt may seem unusual, but it’s true: Repaving your driveway can definitely show your mate how much you care. Let’s say you want to give your significant other a gift this Valentine’s Day. You want to get them something extravagant, something flashy. You could get them some jewelry, but that seems too obvious. If you’re looking for something that’s both impressive and practical you can invest in repaving their driveway.

Why is this romantic?

If you and your partner have been together for a long time then it’s possible that you’ve had some bumps and bruises in your relationship. Maybe they’ve lost someone close to them, maybe you have. In a way, that cracked pavement outside of your house is probably symbolic of some cracks in your life. Why not repave it? Why not use this opportunity to repave your life as well. You can share your vision for a newly paved driveway with your mate and show them that you wish to repave your lives together.

What are my options?

Maybe you don’t need to repave your driveway, but there are many more options for you and your partner. Hardscaping projects often combine practical needs with aesthetic vision. You and your loved one can plan one together, share your ideas, and fall in love all over again. You can add that pond you always dreamed of and they can choose the type of stone. Designing something together will show you different sides of one another. Maybe your partner has a gift you never knew about, or maybe you have a real eye for shape you can share. Building something new together will rekindle the flame between you and every time you look at that project you will be reminded of how strong your bond is.

Bonds as strong as stone.

It may seem cheesy to make grand gestures for the one you love, or to repave your driveway together, but creativity goes a long way. Using creative, unusual methods of bonding shows that you are thinking more deeply about your relationship than just choosing the obvious methods of bonding.


If you’re ready to build a stronger future with your mate contact the Tri-State Paving Company. You can reach them by phone, 610.563.9456 (West Chester), 610.932.3566 (Oxford), or 302.757.4100 (Delaware). You can also find them on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+.