The Advantages of Infrared Repairs

asphalt repairThere are two difficult things about asphalt: laying it down and taking it up.  The difference between them, besides the purpose of the action, is the complexity of the process.  Laying asphalt is relatively simple, if time consuming.  However, taking it up requires a lot of labor, using lots of tools and machines—or it used to before infrared technology.  This new process allows asphalt to be taken up and reused far more quickly, resulting in a simpler process that recycles the old asphalt into a new form on-site.

Feel the Burn

The asphalt is processed with heat instead of hard tools, destroying the asphalt in a way that allows it to be reused immediately instead of leaving it in chunks that need to be hauled away.  The asphalt is heated after it is removed from the ground and then fused directly to existing pavement surrounding the new hole, uniting the new material with the remaining existing asphalt and bonding them for a completely repaired surface.  Heating and recycling the old asphalt saves on time and movement costs, as well as completely negating the costs of new materials.  These advantages make the process move much faster and make it cost far less than a typical project using pure manual labor and machinery.

Advantages of Infrared Asphalt

The most prominent advantage is cost.  In terms of both time and money, asphalt repairs with infrared are far less intensive and expensive.  The process can cost a mere third of a standard job where the asphalt must be torn up, hauled away, and replaced.   This leads to the secondary benefit of requiring less materials overall, as the old asphalt is recycled back into the space it once occupied and becomes like new.  In addition, the process takes less time and inconveniences everyone involved less and lets the company take on more contracts.  The asphalt has been shown in scientific studies to be equally strong to new asphalt, meaning that it will last the same amount of time as completely new material.  However, it doesn’t require obvious patches that reduce the aesthetic of the surface and doesn’t allow moisture in over time, preventing even more damage.  The recycled asphalt is redistributed as a single piece, just as it was originally, creating a perfect walking or driving surface with all of the benefits of new asphalt with far fewer drawbacks.


Tri-State Paving and Construction has provided exceptional asphalt and concrete services for over 40 years.  Powered by information and run by the consumer, we strive to put forth the best in concrete and paving for all of our customers while giving them as much insight as possible.

We perform road construction, paving services and decoration for curbs and walls.  We’re available to work in both commercial and residential settings, giving you the options you need to get the best job done right.  Contact us online or call the location nearest you:

West Chester: 610.563.9456

Oxford: 610.932.3566

Delaware: 302.757.4100

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